Some simple types to demonstrate the mapping:
public interface IKeyOne { } public class ObjectTypeOne : IKeyOne { } public class InjectionMapInitializer : IMapInitializer { public void InitializeMap(IMappingProvider container) { container.Map<IKeyThree, ObjectTypeThree>(); } }
Define the mappings in the config file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <configSections> <!-- Define the section --> <section name="injectionMap" type="InjectionMap.Configuration.InjectionMapSection, InjectionMap.Configuration" /> </configSections> <injectionMap> <mappings> <!-- Register Map IKeyOne to ObjectTypeOne --> <map key="TestApp.IKeyOne, TestApp" for="TestApp.ObjectTypeOne, TestApp"/> <!-- Register Map ObjectTypeOne to self --> <map key="TestApp.ObjectTypeOne, TestApp" toSelf="true"/> </mappings> <initializers> <!-- Register MapInitializers --> <init type="TestApp.InjectionMapInitializer, TestApp"/> </initializers> </injectionMap> </configuration> </pre>
The Section has to be called "injectionMap" for InjectionMap to find it.
Import the namespace InjectionMap.Configuration and create a instance of InjectionMapper. To initialize the configuration just call the extensionmethod Initialize() on InjectionMapper. This call should only be made once per AppDomain, ideally in the application startup.
using InjectionMap.Configuration; ... using (var mapper = new InjectionMapper()) { mapper.Initialize(); }
InjectionMap.Configuration can be downloaded from NuGet
PM > Install-Package InjectionMap.Configuration
The sourcecode is on Github