Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Plan merged to new design

I was able to finish merging the main plan of the Personalplaner to the new platform with the new design. The new Style makes all much smoother to look at and makes it easier to use.

With this done I can eliminate one of my greatest fears for failing in this project.
- I absolutely had no idea how I would create the view and split the data so that it would fit into the grids
- I did not know if I should create a complete new type of grid control or if I should use/extend an existing implementation of a grid
- I didn't know how I wanted to fill the data into the grids
- I was not shure how I could link the different grids with each other and still ensure code abstraction
- I was not shure if I could setup the data correctly to be able to use my MVVM implenmentation correctly

In the end I was able to do it just the way it was supposed to be and it all works eaven better than it used to :-)

Doing it corectly this time, I was able to eliminate about 3/5 of the code I used in the previous version.

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